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props creator exchange

ROLE: Founder, CEO, Product Designer. 

PROBLEM: Creators are providing the internet with all the value and not getting paid, Brands are paying for it all and not getting the value...and consumers are increasingly abused by irrelevant ads and abusive algorithms. 

SOLUTION: An exchange platform for Creators to publish and sell their work, for Fans to enjoy ad-free stories & discover related products, and for Brands to partner with Creators to draw authentic attention to their products and services. 

I conceived the PRoPS business in 2014 based on painful inefficiencies and inequity I perceived in the online creative publishing world for creators, brands, and fans. I gave it a name, sourced the partners, built an internal dev, design, and creator recruitment team of 15 people, raised capital, maintained investor relations, ran operations, provided the product road map, produced two prototypes, and the launch site released in February of 2017. Two incredible years of my life. I have zero connection to the present company, its mission, operations, or leadership